In 2005, whilst living in Huddersfield, I had a rather strange phone call from a man who told me he lived in Great Horton, Bradford. This man went on to say how valuable the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram was and also mentioned a ritual involving a nine pointed star and the Rose Cross. The man then went on to talk about Aleister Crowley. He insisted that Aleister Crowley had indeed come to Bradford and that Mr Crowley himself had done ritual workings in a building on North Parade in Bradford.
With a little digging around, I found that one of the branches of the Theosophical Society (at one time there were two branches in the area) had once held meetings in the Yorkshire Penny Bank Chambers at the end of North Parade and thought it was possible from what I was told that this was the same building where Aleister Crowley had also held his rituals.
It should be remembered that Mathers and Crowley were once on very friendly terms, however, a person who actually has done the Abramelin ritual allegedly successfully is the author William Bloom.
I would say personally that it is not always necessary to do elaborate rituals to achieve such a thing, for if some being wants to see you, it will find you anyway and many people claim to have seen their Guardian Angel, just check out the psychic monthly magazines, without going in to retreat for a year.
People have said that they have had strange experiences in places that Crowley has lived such as Boleskine House and various flats in the London area. Crowley probably didn't bother banishing things from other realms that turned up, so they stayed put.
The house where I reside now is full of psychic phenomena, a number of people have experienced all sorts of things in the house, good and bad but we wouldn't banish it
we just leave it be.
If you've ever checked out details of former O.T.O Agape lodge member and rocket enthusiast Marvel 'Jack' or 'John' Parsons, who has a moon crater named after him, you will see that he involved himself in the Babalon working and although Cameron his partner sometimes saw herself as Babalon, Jack was looking for another Babalon to turn up, possibly to his detriment.
As each city apparently has its own angel, then Bradford is perhaps looked over by the Lady Babalon of Thelema. Bradford is also mentioned in T. S. Eliot's poem 'The Waste Land.' Bradford's wasteland has flowered again, perhaps as the City of Pyramids and yet The Abyss is never far off as there is, behind the fences of the new Bradford urban Garden, a deep drop in to the empty basin originally prepared for the new Bradford Canal which has not as yet come to pass and yet in the maze of Bradford's Garden Magic or mage-ick, perhaps there Lady Babalon and Thelema can be found still. At least, I'm sure my phone caller would take this view.