It would seem that every good occultist has had some sort of manic 'Carrie' style religious upbringing that has turned them in to some sort of 'nut' at least where the general public are concerned. Even Joseph Stalin of Russia was the son of a priest. You could say that the 'mania' develops from being brought up in a religious household and goes on from there.
As far as the Golden Dawn is concerned, too many people think they 'own' It, own Its Rights, Its essence, itself. There are a good number of 'High Fallutin', 'factual' missives on the internet, including stuff about The Society of Dew and Light, like oh they actually KNEW David Lund personally.
Truth is my family really did know the Lunds, back in the 19th Century and yes some of the family were freemasons and members of other brotherhoods groups and sects back in good old Bradford as well as a number of other places.
Fact- the Stella Matutina was not the Golden Dawn but an offshoot of it. Dion Fortune belonged to the Stella Matutina not the Golden Dawn. Israel Regardie had a lot of manuscripts from the original Golden Dawn workings but he was NEVER a member of the ORIGINAL Golden Dawn, but another offshoot. So much of the stuff on the internet is factually incorrect, yet people brag and brag about their ownership of the Golden Dawn. Well good luck to them if that is their trip, but it is not the God's honest truth whatever they say.
Going on to The Watchtower this is another belief system, with Jehovah (God) as the great lord. it is still very interesting if somewhat bigoted. But then all religions are totally bigoted. It the 'my way or no way' syndrome.
Jehovah's Witnesses on Wikipedia